April 2014 - June 2015
18 successful trainee received training for 7 months based on Graphics and English as common courses for both the deaf and physically immovable and Internet marketing and Word Press as additional courses for the physically immovable
3 full time jobs & 1 Internships in different sector
Confirmation of Internship for 1 student including IT sector, 1 have got placement in advertising media titled Dot3 Prd as a full employee, Shafayath Hossain Asif (23) and 1 female in Democracywatch and later joined in British Council at the library Section, Jannatul Ferdous Srity (23) and our one of the in-house artists worked with Red Orange Media, a Dutch company
In 3 Different Vanue
Along with the Artist Md Sohel, another artist Mashiat Tanin got the Chance to exhibit her paintings at the residence of Dutch Ambassador in Bangladesh as well as in Nordic Club and Made in Bangladesh fair
5 Participants
Form all over Bangladesh a special group of people took part in a project to celebrate Shakespeare’s 400th anniversary.
The British Council is supporting an amazing collaboration through with differently able people have a brand-new platform, performing Romeo and Juliet on the national stage. 5 Participants are performing in the theater from BRIDGE Foundation.
December 2015
BRIDGE Foundation initiated the project “ARTPreneurfor Differently Able” where they do have opportunities to work under the experts through monthly basis workshop and selling their artwork through online as well. In this initiative, “Alliance Françoise” and CounterFoto being our strategic partners supported along with their venues
The proposal entitled with: “The forgotten population of Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) interlinked with the urban planning infrastructure in Bangladesh: Social Mapping of the Central Public-Private Educational Institutions in Dhaka” got selected for the small grant around 70,000 BDT
The credit goes to Md Sohel Ahmed for his first international art exhibition in Mexico City in 2017 and we are thankful to Mr. Tanvir Kabir, then Second Secretary and Head of Chancery Embassy of Bangladesh Mexico.
April 2018
We got the chance to exhibit the artworks nearby the Mile End Community Center, London, April 2018
28 to 29 May 2018
We got the chance to exhibit our products at the Makers Lab Berlin, and participated at Global solutions summit Berlin 28 to 29 May 2018, under the presence of Ms. Doctor Angela Markel, Chancellor of Germany and hosted by the Federal Ministry of the Deutschland.
Became the part of the fair as one of the leading start ups by the women
Bangkok, Thailand, 2015
Case4 Space Winner in Bangkok, Thailand, 2015 entitled with the UNDP
The conference was hosted in partnership with Yale University’s South Asian Studies Council on March 22-24, 2019 at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, USA.